Thanks, We Needed That … Again

If you are reading this, you are either:

  1. A HUGE Dodgers fan.
  2. A baseball fan in general who just can’t get enough baseball stuff to quench your baseball thirst.

If you among that second group, you are fortunate that there are literally thousands of baseball websites out there to quench your baseball thirst on a Dodgers day off.

But if you are in that first group, you are probably saying to yourself: ‘Man, I’m glad Monday is a day off for the Dodgers,’ – not because we don’t love the Dodgers, or baseball, or anything even remotely close to that, but because we DO love the Dodgers and baseball, and they absolutely positively needed a day off to regroup after that painful 2-4 road trip to Cincinnati and Philadelphia, as did we.

This one is going to sting for a while.
(SportsNet LA)

“Day off tomorrow, hopefully we can get back on a winning streak, winning ways on Tuesday,” Dodgers All-Star first baseman Freddie Freeman told reporters after Sunday’s painful loss to the National League East third-place Phillies. “We’re a good team and we know it. We’ll get going,”

“We’re a good team and we know it. We’ll get going.” – Freddie Freeman
(SportsNet LA)

Sounds like a great plan.

Enjoy your day off, everyone!

Play Ball!

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