Remember watching that September 12, 2016 Dodgers-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium on television last year? You know … the one where over 1,500 Dodger fans invaded ‘The House that Jeter Built’ that drew national attention?
Surely you remember the player roll call and unmistakable “Let’s-Go-Dod-gers” chant that was so loud it completely overwhelmed the feeble boos from embarrassed Yankee fans and led to Dodgers manager Dave Roberts later praising those loyal Dodger fans who traveled across the country to cheer on their favorite team.
“It was as energetic as I’ve seen. That energy picked us up,” said Roberts, after the Dodgers 8-2 win over the Evil Empire. “[Our fans] travel well, but that was more than I expected on a Monday. We might have caught the Yankee fans off guard a little bit.”

Seeing (and hearing) over 1,500 Dodger fans at Yankee Stadium last season “caught the Yankee fans off guard a little bit,” said Dodgers manager Dave Roberts. (Photo credit – Ron Cervenka)
Most of those Dodger fans in attendance in the Bronx that night were part of the now-famous Los Angeles-based Pantone 294 Dodgers fan group spearheaded by lifelong Dodger fan Alex Soto, a longtime season ticket holder out in the Left Field Pavilion at Dodger Stadium.
Do you remember thinking to yourself ‘Man, I wish I could have been there’?
Well guess what? Now you can … sort of.
Soto, and Pantone 294 social media director Desiree Garcia, have secured a block of 500 tickets for the Saturday, May 27 2017 late afternoon game against the defending World Series Champion Chicago Cubs at Dodger Stadium, which has a 4:15 pm (PT) start time and will more than likely be a sellout.
“We’re super excited to bring the Pantone 294 experience into our own backyard,” said Soto. “We already have 500 tickets reserved for the Left Field Pavilion – the birthplace of the Pantone 294 – but we’re shooting for 1,000.”
As they do on most of their road trips, the Pantoneas (as Soto affectionately calls his group) will have a private party prior to the game.
“The private party will be in the Dodger Stadium parking lot near the 76 Station,” Soto said. “It will start two hours before game time and will conclude at first pitch. Each person in attendance will receive a voucher for a free hot dog and a beverage to be used only at the private party. We’re going to have live music, a raffle and a cash bar where you can purchase additional drinks, alcoholic beverages and snacks.”
The cost for each Left Field Pavilion ticket is $85 and includes admission to the private party and a co-branded Dodgers-Pantone 294 T-shirt (please specify size when ordering tickets).
Tickets can be purchased online through the Pantone 294 PayPal or Venmo accounts at: When making a payment please make sure you send it as ‘friends and family’ to avoid an additional service charge. If payment is not sent as ‘friends and family’ the purchase will not be completed and the payment will be refunded. A $40 (per ticket) deposit is required to reserve a spot, with full payment due on or before April 27, 2017.
Further information can be obtained via email at:
Don’t get shut out of what promises to be a spectacular and even historic event; not to mention possibly getting some face time on SportsNetLA or maybe even ESPN.
Don’t wait. Submit your deposit or full payment right now!
Many Dodger fans will really enjoy the May 27th outing at Dodger Stadium with the Pantone 294.
I’ll never forget the 9/12/16 game at Yankee Stadium, which I attended with Ron, TBW, Christina and other members of the TBLA group.
As a New Yorker, I can’t began to explain how great I felt as an out-of-town Dodger fan to hear that cheer at a New York ballpark. It was simply wonderful.
@Rose1244Sara I have GOT to do something about my work schedule. I miss out on everything Pantone & I know they’re my people!
This is definitely one of those “don’t miss” things.