“We Are Deadlocked”

Despite the hopes, wishes, and prayers of baseball fans around the globe, Sunday’s negotiations between Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association proved fruitless.


This time, however, Special Assistant, Baseball Operations Glen Caplin told reporters following the one hour and 40-minute session that the two sides were “deadlocked.” Here is his full quote:

We were hoping to see movement in our direction to give us additional flexibility and get a deal done quickly. The Players Association chose to come back to us with a proposal that was worse than Monday night and was not designed to move the process forward. On some issues, they even went backwards. Simply put, we are deadlocked. We will try to figure out how to respond, but nothing in this proposal makes it easy.

“Simply put, we are deadlocked.” – Special Assistant, Baseball Operations Glen Caplin
(Getty Images)

Additionally, and as noted by USA Today‘s Bob Nightengale, MLB is expected to cancel another week of regular-season games after Sunday’s meeting showed little progress towards establishing a new Collective Bargaining Agreement and ending the (now) 96-day lockout.


That said, and keeping those hopes, wishes, and prayers of baseball fans around the globe alive, the two sides will reportedly meet again on Monday.

Stay tuned…

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3 Responses to ““We Are Deadlocked””

  1. Becky Culver Becky Culver says:

    @Dodgers 😡

  2. Suzanne Suzanne says:

    @Dodgers 💔🤬

  3. Stevebendodger says:

    Let’s see sir I make 27 million per yr to play adult little league and I can’t make a deal with the owner of my team that’s worth 1 billion dollars plus. What a tough position to be in on both sides.

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