The Night Baseball Died – Again

As of 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, and after 152 years, Major League Baseball, as we knew it, is officially dead … again.

Under his direction as MLB’s 10th Commissioner, Robert D. Manfred Jr. posted this – in its entirety – on social media shortly after 9 p.m. Pacific Time, thereby invoking a lockout by Major League Baseball and team owners:

To our Fans:

I first want to thank you for your continued support of the great game of baseball. This past season, we were reminded of how the national pastime can bring us together and restore our hope despite the difficult challenges of a global pandemic. As we began to emerge from one of the darkest periods in our history, our ballparks were filled with fans; the games were filled with excitement; and millions of families felt the joy of watching baseball together.

That is why I am so disappointed about the situation in which our game finds itself today. Despite the league’s best efforts to make a deal with the Players Association, we were unable to extend our 26 year-long history of labor peace and come to an agreement with the MLBPA before the current CBA expired. Therefore, we have been forced to commence a lockout of Major League players, effective at 12:01am ET on December 2.

I want to explain to you how we got here and why we have to take this action today. Simply put, we believe that an offseason lockout is the best mechanism to protect the 2022 season. We hope that the lockout will jumpstart the negotiations and get us to an agreement that will allow the season to start on time. This defensive lockout was necessary because the Players Association’s vision for Major League Baseball would threaten the ability of most teams to be competitive. It’s simply not a viable option. From the beginning, the MLBPA has been unwilling to move from their starting position, compromise, or collaborate on solutions.

When we began negotiations over a new agreement, the Players Association already had a contract that they wouldn’t trade for any other in sports. Baseball’s players have no salary cap and are not subjected to a maximum length or dollar amount on contracts. In fact, only MLB has guaranteed contracts that run 10 or more years, and in excess of $300 million. We have not proposed anything that would change these fundamentals. While we have heard repeatedly that free agency is “broken” – in the month of November $1.7 billion was committed to free agents, smashing the prior record by nearly 4x. By the end of the offseason, Clubs will have committed more money to players than in any offseason in MLB history.

We worked hard to find compromise while making the system even better for players, by addressing concerns raised by the Players Association. We offered to establish a minimum payroll for all clubs to meet for the first time in baseball history; to allow the majority of players to reach free agency earlier through an age-based system that would eliminate any claims of service time manipulation; and to increase compensation for all young players, including increases in the minimum salary. When negotiations lacked momentum, we tried to create some by offering to accept the universal Designated Hitter, to create a new draft system using a lottery similar to other leagues, and to increase the Competitive Balance Tax threshold that affects only a small number of teams.

We have had challenges before with respect to making labor agreements and have overcome those challenges every single time during my tenure. Regrettably, it appears the Players Association came to the bargaining table with a strategy of confrontation over compromise. They never wavered from collectively the most extreme set of proposals in their history, including significant cuts to the revenue-sharing system, a weakening of the competitive balance tax, and shortening the period of time that players play for their teams. All of these changes would make our game less competitive, not more.

To be clear: this hard but important step does not necessarily mean games will be cancelled. In fact, we are taking this step now because it accelerates the urgency for an agreement with as much runway as possible to avoid doing damage to the 2022 season. Delaying this process further would only put Spring Training, Opening Day, and the rest of the season further at risk – and we cannot allow an expired agreement to again cause an in-season strike and a missed World Series, like we experienced in 1994. We all owe you, our fans, better than that.

Today is a difficult day for baseball, but as I have said all year, there is a path to a fair agreement, and we will find it. I do not doubt the League and the Players share a fundamental appreciation for this game and a commitment to its fans. I remain optimistic that both sides will seize the opportunity to work together to grow, protect, and strengthen the game we love. MLB is ready to work around the clock to meet that goal. I urge the Players Association to join us at the table.

As most fans know, this lockout, baseball’s first suspension since the MLB Players Association strike of 1994-95 which lasted 232 days, was expected by virtually everyone even remotely familiar with the game. This, of course, suggests that Manfred’s statement, and the subsequent reply from MLBPA executive director Tony Clark, were undoubtedly prepared well in advance of the December 1, 11:59 p.m. ET deadline.

Here is Tony Clark’s (brief) reply to Manfred’s (lengthy) statement:

“This drastic and unnecessary measure will not affect the Players’ resolve to reach a fair contract. We remain committed to negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement that enhances competition, improves the product for our fans, and advances the rights and benefits of our membership.”

As noted, both sides of this ‘disagreement’ are hoping for a quick resolution to prevent any disruption to the 2022 MLB season. That said, within minutes of Manfred’s announcement, MLB Communications posted this on Twitter:

Although “Hope Springs Eternal” and all that, it is difficult to accept (or believe) that this ‘disagreement’ will end quickly or that it will not cause (further) disruption to the 2022 MLB season.

But hey, “Hope Springs Eternal,” right?

Stay tuned…

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3 Responses to “The Night Baseball Died – Again”

  1. Jesse Pearce says:

    Neither the owners nor the union are motivated to get back to the bargaining table; no one wants to be the first to blink. The owners strategy may be to force an impasse, implement their best and final offer, and starting spring training with minor leaguers, and veterans willing to cross the line and play ball. What a shame that a great game is brought to a standstill by the business side of MLB.

  2. scifier says:

    I have researched both sides of the issues and have to say I side with the owners on this for the most important parts. Keeping players from FA until they get 6 years service or 30 years old does and will help the small market teams. And just because their original teams keep control of them does not mean they wont make a lot of money especially in arbitration years.

    What would happen if the system not kept in place is big market teams gobbling up all the best players even sooner than they do now and the small market teams left with the scraps.There would also be massive overpays to players based on just a few years production and then teams having to reduce payrolls to account for that dead weight going forward. MLB players get good guaranteed money. The Mets are still paying Bobby Bonilla a million per year.

    • Jesse Pearce says:

      There are many problems with the current CBA, in addition there are owners who manipulate the system to prevent players from reaching their earning potential until free agency. For example, the Dodgers optioned Matt Beaty to AAA just long enough (~ 1 day) that he did not qualify for super 2 status for 2022 arbitration. Cases like that are the norm, not exception in MLB. Another example close to home, Dodger catcher Will Smith. According to Fangraphs determination of a players value, Smith’s value to the Dodgers during his career is ~$60M, but his earnings are less than $2M. Under the current CBA, Smith cannot become a free agent until 2026 when he will be 31 years old. The average number of years for a ML catcher’s career is only 5.2 years; the median years is less than 3. See where I’m going with this example? The CBA is broken, and right now the owners do not appear to be interested in making it more equitable to the players.

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