To the surprise of absolutely no one except perhaps himself, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred’s ridiculous statement that the start of the 2020 season would be delayed two weeks to April 6, is now “for the next eight weeks,” as per guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
On Monday morning via conference call with all 30 MLB teams, Manfred issued this new statement that calls for an eight-week delay, which equates to Monday, May 10, 2020:

As noted here on ThinkBlue LA earlier on Monday morning, even a May 10 start to the 2020 MLB season is a best-case-scenario and puts the scheduled July 14 All-Star Game at Dodger Stadium in serious question and a complete 162-game regular season out of the question.

(AP photo)
But alas, ‘Hope Springs Eternal’ and all that, and there is certainly no question that the CDC has a much better grasp on such matters than does Manfred … who is pretty 0-for-everything over the past few months.
Stay tuned…
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