Uplifts My Mood
After a long day at work, I love going to my locker to grab my belongings and put on my Dodger hat. I know that if I had a horrible day or an overly stressful day, my Dodger blue will not let me down. I also love it when people yell “Go Dodgers!” on my way out the door. It changes my mood entirely and gets me pumped to go home and watch a game (when it is a game day) or just change my mood on my drive home altogether.
Is My Escape
With the busyness of life, we sometimes forget to just relax and be. I am more than guilty of not just sitting and relaxing. My mind constantly spins and I end up with a list of things I could be doing besides sitting down. This does not apply to Baseball. I can sit and relax and enjoy a game anytime. I really enjoy learning how to score games, which also allows my mind to shut down and leaves very little room to try to make a list of “things to do.” Whoever thinks that baseball is boring doesn’t know Baseball.

A Feeling Of Family
I have never met a group of fans that are more open and welcoming than Dodger fans. My Husband surprised me two years ago and took me to a Dodgers game in Seattle. We waited in line for the gate to open and met a few fellow Dodger fans and had a blast talking about favorite players and where we drove from and who our favorite players are. If you venture around on Twitter we have a whole “Dodger Family” it feels like. It is such a great feeling to know that you are a part of such a great group of fans, that it feels like family.
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Fun stuff, Jayann. Thanks for sharing!