Considering the global coronavirus pandemic that is taxing the limits of the U.S. health care system, shortages of basic necessities, borders closing, suspension of schools and businesses, hundreds of thousands of people unemployed, and the uncertainty of the financial markets, baseball should not even be a small blip on the radar of our collective consciousness. But, professional baseball can be a much-needed diversion from the stresses we are feeling daily, in particular for those of us who are sheltering in place.
In this writer’s opinion, America needs the diversion of professional baseball, preferably sooner than later. How? I have some ideas, but there are very smart people leading Major League Baseball, the Players Association, sports agencies, and Minor League Baseball who can solve the problem as long as they are collectively committed to achieving the same goal.
Perhaps it is Pollyannish to hope that these groups would temporarily set aside their adversarial relationships for a greater goal, for example, some form of interest-based bargaining to agree on playing regular season baseball games by May 1, or June 1, 2020. To date, there has been no indication that is close to happening. Instead, sides are negotiating when players will begin to be paid (if at all), Major League service time calculations, 2020-21 free agency eligibility, calculation of Competitive Balance Tax (CBT) payrolls, and whether to even have a 2020 First-Year Player Draft called for under Major League Rule 4 (b).

Accrual of service time, paying players, free agency, and CBT calculations in today’s environment are complex issues that are all directly related to the start of the regular season – if there is a 2020 season. Further complicating these issues is the on-going bargaining for a collective bargaining agreement to replace the current agreement in December 2021. There are far too many scenarios to even attempt consideration here.
But there is one issue which should not be affected by current, or future events, the 2020 First-Year Player Draft. MLB, and its teams, appear to be arguing that not being able to scout college, high school, and travel ball games in their respective 2020 seasons makes the draft even more of a challenge than it normally is. Frankly, that seems like a rationalization rather than a valid reason for canceling this year’s draft.
MLB teams have been scouting the 2020 draft-eligible players for years, in particular those players who are projected by Baseball America and other publications’ mock drafts to be selected in the first few rounds. And, players taken in later rounds are usually gambles, and/or selected with the intention of balancing the bonus pool dollars allotted. Canceling the 2020 draft would be particularly tough on graduating college seniors who wish to pursue their dreams of professional baseball.
Graduating high school seniors would still have the option of playing baseball at a community college or a four-year college, but there will be many of those players who prefer to start their professional careers now. Would an agent like Scott Boras take advantage of a canceled draft to argue that all of the players eligible for the draft are now free agents to negotiate with any team, for any amount of bonus money? And, if MLB prevented teams from signing those players would an aggressive agent build a class action lawsuit for restraint of trade? Rhetorical questions for sure.
What else could drive MLB to cancel the 2020 draft? Could there be a much more important goal to be achieved? Might the elimination of 40-plus minor league teams be the real goal of MLB since it has been rebuffed in its attempt to negotiate a deal with Minor League Baseball for such a reduction in teams? No draft, not enough players to fill all of the rookie ball, and Low-A rosters; many teams could not survive the 2021 season. College seniors, community college players, and high school players who play professional baseball go instead to Independent League teams? Would Rob Manfred do that?
What do you think?
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Good stuff (again), Jesse.
Although I have never been a big union guy, they most certainly have a purpose. That said, I’m surprised that they are not pushing back a bit harder on this Draft thing.
I have lost ALL respect for Rob Manfred. He has screwed up everything he has touched, especially the Astros and Red Sox scandals. It leads me to believe that he is in bed with somebody over this, perhaps the gaming industry.
As you noted, this COVID-19 thing has the entire world (literally) in complete disarray. But there is absolutely no need to cancel the Draft, even if it is done over the internet. This will destroy the hopes and dreams of many young men and teenagers.
Rob Manfred needs to go.
I didn’t think any commissioner could be worse than Bud Selig, but…
Excellent article by Ken Rosenthal on The Athletic (subscription required) — “Agent speaks out on service time as players, MLB negotiate”