Remember when we were kids, whenever something really bad was happening, we would shut our eyes real tight believing ‘If I can’t see them, they can’t see me?’ Well, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred and the Houston Astros have their eyes shut real tight right now.
Allow me to digress.
There is no disputing that the discipline imposed on the Houston Astros by Manfred on Monday morning was indeed very severe and (unfortunately) will leave an indelible black mark on our national pastime … forever. But really? ‘No comment?’ – which is exactly what Major League Baseball (i.e., Rob Manfred) ordered all 30 MLB teams to do – including the Los Angeles Dodgers, the actual victims of the Astros cheating scheme – in the wake of the cheating scandal.
This from the Dodgers late Monday night:
“All clubs have been asked by Major League Baseball not to comment on today’s punishment of the Houston Astros as it’s inappropriate to comment on discipline imposed on another club. The Dodgers have also been asked not to comment on any wrongdoing during the 2017 World Series and will have no further comment at this time.”
Eyes shut tight.
Then again, it’s hard not to appreciate this headline by the Houston Chronicle:
Ironically, perhaps the guy with his eyes shut the tightest is none other than Dodgers manager Dave Roberts who, by his own admission, declined to comment on Manfred’s decision because he and Astros manager AJ Hinch are close friends, as are he and former teammate Alex Cora, manager of the Boston Red Sox, who are also under investigation by Major League Baseball for alleged sign-stealing against the Dodgers during the 2018 World Series:

But was the punishment meted out by Manfred enough? Oh sure, a $5 million fine is a pretty heavy hit, right? Or is it? Check this out:

Could it be that Manfred is more concerned about his legacy as baseball’s 10th commissioner and is trying to distance himself from the nightmare as quickly as possible rather than hitting the Astros where it really hurts – in their wallet?
Eyes shut tight.
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It’s of little consequence at this point but I think Plaschke got it right; MLB needs to take back the 2017 commissioner’s trophy and remove the Astros from the record books showing no World Series winner for the 2017 season.
No amount of restitution will ever square that circle.
I was of the same opinion about vacating the 2017 World Series title, but after thinking more about the consequences it would not surprise me if a certain gambling enterprise (initials MGM???) strongly suggested to Manfred that he not mess with the outcome of any games, regular or post season, as the repercussions to gambling would be significant. MLB entered into a partnership with MGM in November 2018 for legalized gambling. I’m pretty sure that the right people could have been quite persuasive (if you get my drift) in stating their preference to Manfred.
SoCal, BTW happy New Year 2020. I may be late with that. But IMHO the punishment, as a result of all those ramifications floating from what the Astros did, certainly warranted more punishment than they got. I have looked at many comments floating in after this and they all in a way say the same thing. Many times I have heard some say…’it’s only cheating if you get caught’.. Well Astros have been caught and called out for this and as a result I am not so down on Dodgers for that 2017 WS loss.. it’s over with and we must move on, all of us. But again, as I said on another blog, the Astros are very lucky that I am not the Commissioner of MLB and I will leave it at that. On a different note I am OK with Wood coming back to Dodgers. He may just surprise many should he indeed stay healthy.
Best wishes to you and yours for a Joyful and Healthy 2020. I think Astros organization got off with a very light slap on the wrist. I wonder if Manfred negotiated a deal with owner whereby his punishment was less only if he agreed to make substantial changes in the executive offices and coaching staff? Any remaining coaches, especially if they were hitting coaches, from 2017 should be looking for a new line of work. Wonder what Greinke and Verlander think about all of this?
Manfred is employed/paid by the MLB team owners, so Jim Crane was never going to be seriously punished. The same wrist slap will happen with the Red Sox owners.
Since the Dodgers can’t say it, let me. Why those dirty #@*%#@&* . They deserve to #*&^#@$#. They are the slimiest #*@&#&^^$% in the world.
The punishment is not enough. Don’t really see the point of saying the Dodgers won the 2017 and 2018 (as soon as Red Sox are also implicated) championships but these two teams should be stripped of their two World Championships. It’s the Black Sox thing all over again. I know, different direction, but still cheating and WRONG.
I would be good with those WS won by Astros and Red Sox were vacated but that of course will not happen. The Lord Himself has always expressed displeasure with those who cheat and steal so my bet is those involved will get their true punishments for this when their time comes.
’51 was bad enough, but now it’s ’17 & ’18? It’s hard not to believe things might have been different.
I agree that the Houston WS championship should be voided. Regarding the next year, nothing has been settled yet but if the Red Sox are also found guilty their’s should be voided too.
Wasn’t the Kershaw shelling in game 5? Game 7 was in Dodger Stadium.
Why would Hinch still be Doc’s friend?
Cheating may have got the Sox to the WS, but the Dodgers lost it on their own.
Darvish started game 7. Gave up 4 early runs and sucked the life out of Dodger stadium. I almost got in a fight with an Astros fan at the bar while watching the game with my Dad, Brother, Sister and some friends. Manfred is a chump. His slap on the wrist for Gurriels blatantly racist motion at Darvish on the BIGGEST stage for MLB was pathetic.
I know all that (except your almost bar fight) but what has it to do with my post?
They should also be baned from postseason play for two years. Life time bans for all involved. What They did was worse then Pete Rose gambling and I was never a fan of his.I am a life time fan of the Dodgers 61 years.All players who were involved should also be suspended without pay.
Harland, I could not agree more with you. Again, the punishments by Manfred IMHO do not really fit this crime.
In that picture, you can almost hear him saying “what in the world is going on? This doesn’t make sense!”
I’m still not over Reggie Jackson intentionally throwing his hip in front of a Bill Russell relay throw to 1B for a certain double play in a WS many years before. Tommy Lasorda called him a cheater and liar to his face. Another reason for loving the man.
Any one notice that Justin (I have an opinion on everything) Verlander has not said a word. This is the guy who so concerned that MLB was “juicing” the balls. Wonder how he feels about his hitters knowing what pitch was coming?
That’s because Verlander is a phony as well and was fully aware of what his teammates were doing. Yes , most noticed that and I am now not so disappointed with Dodgers not getting him at that 2017 deadline. But had he been here, he would have helped out being on a team that HAD integrity with playing the game without having to resort to cheating.
When do we start talking about Verlander and the legitimacy of his HOF case? Not to mention Altuve and possibly Bergman.
Lots of good comments here.
OldBrooklynFan reminds us of another time, 1951, the Dodgers were cheated. That time by the New York Midgets. Hate reading about it, but it was a little before my time, but looks like it still pains the Brooklyn guys.
Uncle Ned brings back a very painful memory for me. I don’t blame Jackson, but Frank Pulli the umpire, the only guy in the world who didn’t know interference when he saw it. Interestingly, East Coast guy Pulli was busted years later for betting on non-baseball sporting events through an illegal bookie.
SoCalBum reminds us, it’s all about the money and the powerful forces that really call the shots. Don’t know if vacating the Houston/Boston championships void the bets, but we Dodger fans should be able to sue for fraud and pain and suffering.
What’s it all mean? I think it must be true, nice guys finish last!
Boxout7, what it means is that ‘fairness in this world is for fairy tales’. The world isn’t fair on many occasions
Astros and soon Redsox should be giving their Titles back to the commissioners office and also should be barred from the playoffs for the next 3 yrs
Dodgers should sue the Astros in civil court for the increase in franchise value of the Astros after the WS win. Forbes determined that the increase was $350,000,000. And the increase for Boston was $400,000,000.
I have unsuccessfully searched for the value of a World Series title. Would you please include the link to the Forbes information?
Ryan S had the information on MLB radio yesterday. It was something worth remembering.
Braves must proceed without Donaldson and Nats without Rendon.Dodgers are now clear favorites in the NL
So, who wouldn’t like to see Yu Darvish given 3 minutes alone in a locked room with Yuli Gurriel?
Just a fastball in the ear woulda been fine by me. The sickening thing is Darvish probably would have been suspended for more than the pathetic 5 game suspension Gurriel got, THE FOLLOWING SEASON! Manfred is a chump.