Sometimes when a vague statement like that is made, there is an ulterior motive behind it. This time it may be to get a headstrong player like 32-year-old Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen to opt-out of his 5-year / $80 million contract and simply move on to free agency. Jansen believes himself to be an elite closer. […]
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It’s Time To Come Clean

It was a relatively small group of people who I told it to, maybe 10 at the most. It was sometime around May or June – back when many so-called baseball experts were beginning to say that the Dodgers were “on pace to win 104 games” and were going to make it to – and […]
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Looking Forward – 2020 Dodgers Catching

During spring training 2019, Dodgers president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman said that Will Smith was already a Gold Glove-caliber catcher and would help the Dodgers win important games in the second half of that season. Somewhat of a surprising and bold statement, considering that the then 23-year-old catcher had only played 73-games for the […]
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Heartbreak City

As we try to cope with what I consider to be the most devastating end to any Dodger season I have experienced, let me preface it by saying that I wasn’t alive in ’51 and I was too young to remember ’62. Those two years take the cake when it comes to heart-wrenching season-ending losses. That […]
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‘Radical Restructuring’ of Minor Leagues ‘All But Inevitable’

On Thursday afternoon, MLB Trade Rumors reported (via Twitter) that a “Radical Restructuring” of MLB’s Minor League Baseball (MiLB) system appears to be on the (relatively) near horizon – up to and including the elimination of a great number of teams and the consolidation of several lower MiLB levels. Rather than even attempt to paraphrase […]
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Looking Ahead to 2020

Attempting to forecast what changes the Dodgers will make in preparation for the 2020 season may be categorized as a fool’s errand, but that’s what we fanatics do during the annual Hot Stove League, which unfortunately started much too early this year. Since Andrew Friedman’s reign as the Dodgers president of baseball operations began on […]
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Casey Sadler – Good Things Happen to Good People

Fact: If you don’t like 29-year-old Dodgers right-hander Casey Sadler, you just plain don’t like people – period. You simply will not find a nicer guy on the planet. And if the Dodgers do not tender the extremely polite Stillwater, OK native a (pre-arbitration) contract this off-season, they will have only themselves to blame and will […]
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Thanks, Baseball, We Needed This

I will be the first to admit that the Dodgers being eliminated from postseason play in the first round this season was, hands down, the most difficult let down for me as a lifelong Dodgers fan than any other in my many (many) years as such. Yes, this includes that oh-so-painful 2017 Game-7 World Series […]
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Few Surprises at Friedman’s Year-End Press Conference

If Dodgers president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman were a poker player, chances are he wouldn’t be very good at it. This isn’t a knock on the 42-year-old Dodgers executive, it’s just that he lacks the proverbial ‘poker face.’ In other words, when asked a question, his answers are often predictable and usually along so-called […]
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Does Kenley Jansen Want Out?

As Dodger fans slowly recover from their team’s abrupt ending to the 2019 season, a season during which they won a franchise-record-setting 106 games and were predicted by many to ‘Go all the way,’ the perception that three-time All-Star Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen is angry with Dodgers manager Dave Roberts for not handing him the […]
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