During Saturday’s off day between Game-2 and Game-3 of the NLDS, a Drabble comic strip ran in nearly 200 syndicated newspaper across the nation and on-line. Dodger fans who saw the comic strip were immediately taken by it because within its humor was a cold hard fact about our very own and beloved Vin Scully.

(Image courtesy of Kevin Fagan – Drabble.com)
Upon seeing the comic strip, I felt obligated to share it with fellow Dodger fans who may have not yet seen it and what better place to do so than on Twitter.
Within minutes of posting, the tweet was either Favorited, Retweeted, or replied to by over a hundred of my Twitter followers or their followers. I also received several Direct Messages, emails and text messages expressing enjoyment of the humor (and truth) of the Vin Scully-Drabble piece.
Needless to say I was a bit overwhelmed by the popularity of the comic strip, although I guess I shouldn’t have been – after all, it is Vin Scully we’re talking about here.
So popular was the strip that I actually began to feel a little guilty for having posted it because I was not the original artist or the author of it. Unlike some bloggers, I have real problem with those who plagiarize – the number one reason why I always give credit when using the work of others, especially photographs, etc.
As a result of my guilt (warranted or not), I began researching the author of the Drabble comic series and eventually made contact with Kevin Fagan – the talent behind the Drabble family. Fagan indicated that he was perfectly fine with my posting the comic strip on Twitter, adding that he is a lifelong fan of the great Vin Scully.
Like many of us veteran (old) Dodger fans, Fagan recalls listening to Vin Scully on his transistor radio during school when he was a youngster.
“I’ve listened to Vin since the mid-sixties,” said Fagan. “I would take my transistor radio to school with the ear piece going up inside my shirt. That happened most during spring training and post season play.”
Fagan, who was born in L.A and grew up in Inglewood, became a Dodger fan during those heydays of the ’60s.
“I attended my first Dodger game in 1968,” said Fagan. “I saw Don Drysdale pitch and (saw him) hit a ball off the bullpen fence. I’ve been a huge Dodger fan all my life.”
Like many baseball fans, Fagan has a favorite team in both the National and American leagues.
“I moved to Mission Viejo when I was 15 and enjoy the Angels as well,” said Fagan. “I hate interleague play.”
Fagan created his alter ego, the Drabble family, 34 years ago and for those unfamiliar with it, it’s like reading about yourself and about everyday life.
“I began the Drabble comic strip in 1979 when I was 22 years old,” said Fagan. “I have written and drawn a new installment every day for the last 34 years except for one week in 1983 and one week in 2008 due to illness. Drabble is syndicated in almost 200 newspapers and also runs every day at www.gocomics.com/drabble.”

Kevin Fagan
(Photo courtesy of missionviejodispatch.com)
As for his love of Vin Scully, Fagan’s story is a very familiar one for most Dodger fans.
“I have faithfully listened to and watched Dodger broadcasts for over 40 years, and Vin is as great and informative as ever,” said Fagan. “(Vin is) a class act if there ever was one. He is so much more than a sportscaster, he is an example of an outstanding person and someone for young people to emulate. My sons love Vin every bit as much as I do.”
Like most of us, it isn’t just the games that Scully broadcasts that Fagan enjoys, it’s his incredible stories and treasured life lessons that he shares with his listeners that make Scully the best there ever was.
“I remember back around 1970 listening to Vin remind us kids that tomorrow was Mothers Day, and ‘don’t you dare forget!’ – and I didn’t!” Fagan recalls fondly. “I remember Vin telling us that when we got a free baseball on Ball Night that we are to PLAY with it, not put it away in our sock drawer. I remember Vin telling us about the move ‘The Quiet Man’ and how they showed it one night to the players at Vero Beach and what a great movie it was. I made sure I saw it too, and I’ve enjoyed it many times ever since,” added Fagan.
Fagan shared what every person who has ever listened to a Vin Scully broadcast feels.
“Vin is definitely more than a sportscaster. Although I’ve never met him, I think of him as a friend who has enriched my life.”
Truer words have never been spoken, Kevin.
(A hat tip to longtime ThinkBlueLA forum member Linda Valkenburg for first sharing the Vin Scully Drabble comic strip with me).
RT @Think_BlueLA: New post: The man behind “The Vin Scully Factor” comic strip – http://t.co/41eqCqE3BV #Dodgers #Dodgerfam
That was some great stuff there. I’d almost even say you aren’t a true Dodger fan if you don’t turn the volume off your tv and match up your radio so that Vin is calling the game! I certainly know I did the other night!!
I enjoyed the Drabble comic strip for years, and never gave it much thought until seeing your posting of the strip on the forum yesterday. Now, without a newspaper subscription I’m realizing the things I have been missing by not getting the printed word delivered to the driveway every morning. Very cool that Mr. Fagan took the time to talk about Vin Scully and his baseball leanings to you. Thanks for sharing.
RT @Think_BlueLA: New post: The man behind “The Vin Scully Factor” comic strip – http://t.co/41eqCqE3BV #Dodgers #Dodgerfam
RT @Think_BlueLA: New post: The man behind “The Vin Scully Factor” comic strip – http://t.co/41eqCqE3BV #Dodgers #Dodgerfam
I have to give credit where due – I don’t read Drabble but Jim does – he was the one who passed the comics back to me to read and suggested I pass it on to TBLA. What a great follow-up you did Ron – thanks for this good blog.
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
Man feels bad about helping a Drabble comic strip go viral, reaches out to author and gets an even better story. http://t.co/pEedXoG6eN
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
Yep, this was me over the weekend: http://t.co/Wo8SXbrVtD
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
I’ve been listening to Vin since I was 12 years old and the Dodgers were still in Brooklyn. For many years I hardly got to hear him and whenever I did get a chance it was great and it brought back a lot of childhood memories.
It was really fantastic a few years ago when I was able to listen to the “Voice of the Dodgers” again on a regular basis.
Things will be different once he retires and I wish he never does.
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
RT @tomhoffarth: Showed Vin this last night, he hadn’t seen it… Had a good laugh and said his wife Sandi would get a kick out of it. http…
[…] https://thinkbluela.com/index.php/2013/10/06/the-man-behind-the-vin-scully-factor-comic-strip/ […]