It took exactly one pitch from Korean rookie phenom Hyun-jin Ryu to realize that he wasn’t about to let what happened in his last start against the Boston Red Sox happen again. Ryu’s first pitch of the game, a 92 MPH two-seam fastball to Padres outfielder Chris Denorfia, was made with a purpose and crossed […]
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“Seriously? We have to go back into all this again?”

You would expect it from the national media, the chronic Puig bashing – especially for his recent benching for ‘phoning it in.’ But you wouldn’t expect a local writer to keep beating this dead horse, certainly not after Puig’s phenomenal near record-setting 4 for 5 night on Friday, but that’s exactly what happened. During Friday’s […]
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September call-ups

September 1st is the day on which MLB teams can expand their rosters. During the season teams play with a 25 man roster and a DL list. In September the roster can be expanded to include all of the players on the 40 man protected roster. To call up a player who is not on […]
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Corey Seager excited to be selected to Arizona Fall League

When top Dodger prospect Corey Seager was promoted to the Dodgers Advanced Single-A Rancho Cucamonga Quakes on August 2, he immediately became the youngest player in the California League at 19-years old (April 27, 1994). When he arrives in Glendale, Arizona to begin play in the Arizona Fall League on October 8, he will most likely […]
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Kemp goes 0 for 5 in first rehab game

For those expecting Dodger center fielder Matt Kemp to have a monster night in his first game since July 21st, your expectations were probably a bit too lofty, especially when you consider that he only began running about a week ago. In fact, Kemp’s night was anything but a monster night with the Dodgers Advanced […]
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Dodger historian Mark Langill to speak at Whittwood Branch Library tonight

Apologies for the short notice but Dodgers Team Historian and noted author Mark Langill will be a guest speaker tonight at the Whittwood Branch Library in Whittier beginning at 6:30 PM. Langill, author of several books on the history of the storied Dodger franchise, will also be signing copies of his popular book Game of My […]
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Will A.J. Ellis make a good manager?

During a recent Dodger radio broadcast, longtime baseball color analyst and former Dodger great Rick Monday made a statement that was quite intriguing: “A.J. Ellis will make a great manager someday.” It has always been widely accepted that former catchers make some of the best MLB managers but it’s probably safe to say that Rick […]
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DOTF – It’s Playoff Time 2013

Last August I wrote a similar article as the minor leagues were beginning to wind down. For me this is not the happiest time of my baseball season – opening day is, with both the Dodgers and their minor league affiliates ready to provide several months of baseball nourishment. Now I do have to admit […]
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Puig gets sent to the principal’s office

Chances are pretty good that there isn’t a media source out there that hasn’t already posted a story about Dodger manager Don Mattingly pulling superstar rookie sensation Yasiel Puig out of Wednesday afternoon’s game against the Chicago Cubs. If they haven’t, they will – especially the national media who almost seem to get euphoric satisfaction […]
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A game-changing moment that wasn’t

There is an old saying in baseball, one that we’ve all heard a hundred times – perhaps even a thousand: “It will look like a line drive in the box score.” And while this saying generally applies to a lucky bloop or squib single, the gist of the saying is that something seemingly insignificant happened […]
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