Archive for 2012

Eric Gagne Releases Non Tell-All Book

Come on, you knew it was bound to happen. You knew that it was only a matter of time – that a former Dodger from the “steroid era” would be out to try make a quick buck by writing a so-called tell-all book. You also knew, or at least should have, that it would be someone […]

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A.J. Ellis Wins Seventh Annual Roy Campanella Award

Catcher voted “Most Inspirational Dodger” by his teammates and coaches The Dodgers have announced that catcher A.J. Ellis was named the winner of the seventh annual Roy Campanella Award, which is given to the Dodger player who best exemplifies the spirit and leadership of the late Hall of Fame catcher. The award, which was voted […]

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What was your Favorite Game of 2012?

As a lifelong die-hard Dodger fan and longtime Dodgers season ticket holder who attends nearly every home game, I will be at all 6 remaining home games rooting on my favorite team, this in spite of the fact that I have absolutely zero hope whatsoever that the Dodgers will win the second Wild Card spot […]

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No Trouble with this Curve

With last Sunday’s Dodgers game being the nationally televised ESPN game with a 5 PM (PT) start time, I had some time to kill before the game so I went to see Clint Eastwood’s new movie Trouble with the Curve. Now I have to tell you that I am and always have been a huge Clint Eastwood fan dating […]

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Dee Gordon is Making Things Difficult

There isn’t a person alive who will argue that Dee Gordon isn’t a game-changer. Because of his blazing speed, when Gordon gets on base he immediately gets into the opposing pitcher’s and catcher’s heads and he flat out makes things happen. Unfortunately, that’s about where Dee’s value to the Dodgers seems to end. When Dee is on […]

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Get Off My Lawn! Damn Kids…

Who could have imagined the technological advances that we have today, just a short time period ago?  Say, 25 years or so when I had bought my first home desk top computer and the choice for the 50 lb. computer monitor connected to it was Green screen or Amber screen.  It is mind boggling the […]

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2012 NL MVP – They Better Get it Wrong Again This Year

In 2011, the Baseball Writers’ Association of America (BBWAA) got the NL MVP Award wrong, and anybody who has issue with this need look no further than the cold hard facts – the statistics themselves. Yet even with the indisputable numbers right there in front of them in black and white, the BBWAA awarded Major League Baseball’s most […]

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Mattingly’s “Honesty is the best Policy” Approach Might Just Be the Ticket

After Thursday night’s painful 4-1 loss in the nation’s capital to give the Washington Nationals their first playoff berth since 1933, Dodgers manager Don Mattingly finally came clean. He was asked by reporters if he felt that the Dodgers playoff hopes were slipping away. “Honestly, it does. It feels like it is a little bit,” Mattingly […]

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It’s ok

It’s ok to admit that the Dodgers are done. It’s ok to accept the reality that the Dodgers do not have it within themselves (pitching or offense) to make it to the post season – second Wild Card or otherwise. Hey, the Dodgers were never really expected to make the playoffs this season anyway, right? […]

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Could It Be?

Could it be that Matt Kemp has finally… finally emerged from his career-worst slump? The one in which he went 6 for 50 (.120) with 14 strikeouts since September 1st heading into Wednesday’s doubleheader against the team with the best record in baseball? As much as I want to believe it, I’m not about to go […]

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