As anticipated, the final game of the season at Dodger Stadium was a bittersweet. There was a definite melancholy feel about the place, this in spite of the Dodgers pounding the Giants (I love saying that) by a score of 5-1. High-5’s and hugs were abundant and it is very clear that this is one big family who share the same passion for the Dodgers. Around the 8th inning, my good friend Andy (bottom left thumbnail) said “I’m getting emotional, Ron.”

There are far more expensive seats at Dodger Stadium but in my opinion, the view from the LFP is the best in the house. (Photo credit – Ron Cervenka)
Throughout the day I shot photos of my many Dodger Stadium employee friends and fellow Left Field Pavilion fans. Here are some of the photos from the day (click on thumbnails to enlarge):

WOW!!! Ron, you really had a great season at the old ball park. You did a great job with the chats, really got to know many new people and really are close knit with the players and other club personal.
Next season looks like it will be even better.
The team looks like it’s ready to gel or jel, whatever, it promises to have a much better season next year.
Of all the pics I absolutely love the top one(stadium) with that beautiful sky. I would almost like to get that blown up and make a portrait out of it. All of the other pics are good too! Way to go!
Mike – That photo is in the Photo Gallery. Simply click on it to enlarge it and copy it if you wish (just remember where you got it). It is my desktop photo on my PC.