Get Off My Lawn! Damn Kids…

“I’m an old whippersnapper at heart.”

Who could have imagined the technological advances that we have today, just a short time period ago?  Say, 25 years or so when I had bought my first home desk top computer and the choice for the 50 lb. computer monitor connected to it was Green screen or Amber screen.  It is mind boggling the advances with the internet, cell phones, high definition television, music media, etc.  I’m an old whippersnapper at heart and my adult kids would be quick to say that I’m reluctant to change anything, thus the title of this post.   Something they joke with me about.

The capability of having immediate news at our fingertips through a smart phone, tablet or laptop has changed our lives to the point that being informed immediately is a necessity and expectation. It’s also something I haven’t embraced wholeheartedly.

The days of journalists “scooping” others on a story has now expanded to social media with “Twitter” playing a big role in everyone’s lives.  I hoped it wouldn’t catch on, but I’m fairly certain it’ll never go away.  We almost find out about significant events before they even happen.

At the Bloggers Day event this year, Stan Kasten admitted that he had hoped Twitter would become a passing fad, but he realized that it was probably here to stay.  It was mentioned the year before at the same event by Josh Rawitch that the Dodger organization found it necessary to notify the players of the “do’s and don’ts” with social media.  He specifically gave the example of a player being called up from the minors and instructing him to not say anything on social media because there are times that on the other end, a player is being released.  The last thing the Dodgers wanted was for a player to be informed of bad news through someone outside the organization on Twitter.

I will admit that I found Twitter an annoying addition to my blogging life.  I still haven’t mastered it and I frankly hate having to follow it in order to keep up with the Joneses.  But it has become a necessary evil in this time consuming passion of mine.

My twitter handle, Evan Bladh@OpinionKingman, has very few followers.  There are fifty-eight after I cleared out my lists a few weeks ago and I’m fine with that.  Sure, I could pick up more blog readers with more followers, so maybe I should concentrate on doing so with more emphasis on Twitter, but there’s only so much time in the day.  I do notice that when a popular blogger, such as Eric Stephen or Roberto Baly, mention one of my post on Twitter, the readership grows exponentially.

It’s a powerful communication tool, no doubt about that.  Additionally, there are some common “tweeters” that really post interesting news and insight.  I’ll list some of those that I follow that you might want to do so yourself, for the latest Dodger news:

  • Eric Stephen (@truebluela) always notifies readers of his new blog posts and as a blogger with daily press box access, is the first to provide latest Dodger news of injuries, trades, lineups, etc.  Eric doesn’t travel with the team, so his news is usually more detailed when the team is home.
  • Ken Gurnick (@kengurnick) Dodger beat writer from  Today, for example, 6 hours before game time he tweeted: ”Clayton Kershaw now on mound going through a windup without throwing, as he does hours before he starts. No word yet if he starts tonight.”
  • Jaime Jarrin (@JaimeJarrin) who only tweets in Spanish, has interesting Dodger news and a spanish vocabulary that makes his reader dig deep into his/her brain to understand his message.
  • Dylan Hernandez (@dylanohernandez)  Dodger beat writer from LA Times.  Provides news and has interesting banter with writer from other teams, such as Hank Schulman from the Giants.
  • Steve Dilbeck (@stevedilbeck) Dodger blogger at L.A. Times.
  • DodgersGM (@DodgersGM) – A fake Ned Colletti.  Very funny tweets, usually poking fun at Colletti’s expense.  Even Matt Kemp follows this guy.
  • Peter Gammons (@pgammo) the MLB network former ESPN man, always has the latest MLB news.
  • Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) random thoughts from the new Dodger owner.

Assorted Dodger players such as:

  • Matt Kemp @TheRealMattKemp
  • Brandon League @BarndonLeague31
  • AJ Ellis @AJEllis17
  • Dee Gordon @skinnyswag9
  • Shane Victorino @shanevictorino
  • Clayton Kershaw @ClaytonKersh22
  • Hanley Ramirez @HanletRamirez

A few things I discovered about the Dodgers in the past 12 hours through Twitter.

  • Shane Victorino was enjoying UFC fights last night with continuous comments last night.
  • Today is Matt Kemp’s birthday.
  • Brandon League told Kemp that he bought him a gold chain to add to his Mr. T collection.
  • Ken Gurnick watched Kershaw going through pre-game motions as if he was preparing to start today game.
  • Jose Canseco self-congratulated himself for the anniversary of his 40/40 season in 1988 and brags that he could have done it again had his manager allowed him to run in 1998.  Several followers mocked him for bragging about himself.
  • Bill Cosby sent Dusty Baker “get well” wishes.
  • Steve Dilbeck and Dylan Hernandez praised the Giants for winning the division.
  • Buster Olney tells us that the Dodgers average of 2.7 runs per game in September is their lowest since 1967.
  • Steve Garvey tells the world that Dodger fans should not judge the Dodger ownership about this season until next season’s results are in.

As the season winds down and we prepare ourselves for the cold reality that there is no more baseball and that Spring Training is an autumn and winter away, Twitter can be your friend if you follow the right people.  It certainly isn’t anything like watching a Dodger game, but it’s the best you’ve got during the cold season.  There’s the Arizona Fall League for those really desperate to go watch some baseball.

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3 Responses to “Get Off My Lawn! Damn Kids…”

  1. Ron Cervenka says:

    And of course there’s ThinkBlueLA @Think_BlueLA

  2. Evan Bladh says:

    Of course Ron, of course.

  3. Bluenose Dodger says:

    That world is passing me by Evan. I don’t have the technology nor the interest in acquiring it. I do know some Twits though.

    It does mean I am behind on the news although I’m not very interested in those personal things that get tweeted, if that’s the word. Of course, being on the east coast, I am always behind on Dodger news anyway. It seems to me one would be into filtering out what is significant and what isn’t as rumors seem to abound in the Twitter world as everyone tries to One Up everyone else. I suppose that is true of all information coming out in any form but Tweets, if that’s the word, are so brief.

    I asked Eric Stephen how he gets the Dodger minor league information so fast and he replied he does get some of it directly through email sources. That is cool.

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