Whether it was heartfelt or merely PR damage control remains to be seen but Dodgers superstar outfielder Yasiel Puig publicly apologized for his recent arrest to thousands of Dodger fans attending Saturday’s FanFest event at Dodger Stadium.
Puig, who was arrest on December 28, 2013 for driving 110 MPH on Interstate 75 near Naples, Florida – a 75 MPH zone, told fans (through host and interpreter Alanna Rizzo) that he is sorry for his actions.
“I was driving fast. It was my fault. I’m not ever going to drive fast… or slow (again) – I now have a driver,” said Puig. “I want to apologize to the city of Los Angeles and to the fans here (at FanFest). I’m done with speeding.”

Puig apologizes for his recent arrest in front of thousands of Dodger fans at last Saturday’s Fan Fest event. (Photo credit – Ron Cervenka)
Puig’s public apology came one day after his one-on-one apology to L.A. Times reporter Bill Plaschke during a Dodgers Caravan event at Homeboy Industries in East L.A. During that more personal apology Puig assured fans that he has learned from his mistakes.
“I’m here to say I’m sorry to all of Los Angeles, to all the children who look up to me, to everyone who has supported me,” Puig told Plaschke through an interpreter. “I’m so grateful for everyone’s love, I’m so sorry to let them down, and it will never happen again.”
Puig’s charismatic nature and his overwhelming affection towards youngsters and the less fortunate makes it a lot easier for fans to forgive the 23-year-old Cuban defector. While leaving Dodger Stadium last October, Puig spotted a group of kids playing baseball at a neighborhood Little League field, pulled to the curb and joined them. Who does that? And then there was the severely handicapped Dodger fan at last year’s Fan Photo Day who Puig gave the jersey off his back to without a single word being spoken.

Handicapped Dodger fan Alex Solis Jr. had tears in his eyes and was speechless after Puig gave him the jersey off his back during last year’s Fan Photo Day. (Photo credit – Ron Cervenka)
There is little doubt that Dodger fans will forgive Yasiel for his immature actions but such forgiveness comes with a caveat – Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time and all bets are off.
I think Puig is gradually beginning to understand a lot of things–I hope. I understand he’ll be leading off as Mattingly states he might. I’m already starting to miss Alanna Rizzo on MLBN.
She will be on almost every Dodgers TV broadcast.
You’re living the life so many wish they could living Yasiel. I hope you have all the right people around you for support and guidance as you now have to live your life under the microscope. Be careful and keep up the great work you’re doing with the kids and less fortunate.
Quite a bit has been made of the fact that Yasiel made his mistakes as a 22 year old. Some have said all 22 year olds do those kinds of things. The truth is, most don’t. Youth is no excuse.
Yasiel messed up as a youngster. Now for the rest of the story. He apologized. The apology itself is not as significant as the nature of the apology. He didn’t say, as so many public figures do, “I apologize IF I offended anyone.” That is not an apology.
Yasiel’s is a true apology. He acknowledged he made a mistake, disappointed people (fans, kids, teammates), was solely responsible for his errors and sought a solution so it doesn’t happen again.
Good for Yasiel. That’s a whole lot of growing up in a short period of time. Those kids he loves so much are most likely as good for him as he is for them. Very pleased with his sincerity and humility displayed in these interviews.
What speeding ticket??